Friday, June 4, 2010

The longer post

So. I hear this is being described as the PCP valley. That's a pretty good name for it.

I have some confessions to make, and I really really don't want to make them. I'm embarassed, and frustrated with myself. And angry that many of my posts sound whiny and pathetic.

I fell off the wagon. Hard. Not too badly in terms of food, because as I keep telling people, I LIKE the food. I like veggies, and fruit, and milk. I even like my protein powder most nights.

But here are my dirty little secrets:

1. I've been adding sunflower seeds to my salads ever since my mom bought them and left them in my apartment. Salty salty seeds. I actually threw them across the room last night to make myself stop reaching for them.

2. I've been skipping workouts. A lot. And this is the one that makes me really angry. I know better. I AM better. I want my ideal body; I want to be in peak condition, and damn it I don't want to give up on this stupid project half way through. So what the hell is wrong with me? Evening workouts, for one. Grey's Anatomy for another. I have quite the addiction to it at the moment, and I've let myself be lazy. No more.

3. I use more olive oil than I should.

4. I use a lot more vinegar than I probably should, but it generally keeps me from craving salt. This is totally a mental thing--I used to love salt and vinegar chips, and this tricks my brain into thinking it's being "bad" even though I'm eating a salad.

5. I take more time between sets than I should. I know, I know. I'm not getting the maximum benefit. Can't help it. Sometimes it's all I can do to make myself do that one last set. So if it takes me an extra 20 seconds to start it, at least I started it. I still fail on almost everything anyway.

6. I don't weigh my lunch. This one is both really bad and not so bad. I get as much as I want for veggies for lunch, so I buy lunch at work now. Saves tons of time in the morning. But I end up guessing on my carbs and protein, which isn't great. And I technically don't know how the meat is prepared, so it may have lots of extra salt or something. I'm trying to talk myself into bringing the protein, and guessing on just the carbs. I'm pretty sure I underestimate anyway (I weigh my bread at home, so I know what the carb allocation should look like, more or less, and I eat less).

7. I sometimes forget my evening snack. Oops. It's not on purpose, but I got used to not eating after dinner, and I just sort of...forget sometimes.

There. My dirty secrets. Out in the open.


  1. Tip 1: Carry a scale with you! I've had several days when I've run out of bread or grains in the morning and had to buy some on the way to work. So I bring the scale with me on those days.

    Tip 2: Bread can be VERY deceiving. Don't trust it. Weigh it.

    You'll get there! It's not always smooth. While I haven't slipped, I can't tell you how many arguments and discussions I've had WITH MYSELF over what I'm doing. It's not supposed to be easy, but once we're through these next couple weeks we'll be doing awesome!

    Start working out in the morning, right when you wake up!(Advice I should take) Don't worry about doing well, just toss the rope under your feet once or twice, and you'll feel the motivation to keep going!

    Go Team Running Rats!

  2. From your pictures you've come a long way in 50 days. Accomplished a tonne. Just shake off that nonsense rebellion in your head and pretend today is the first day of the PCP and go right into it as hard as you did then.

    Like at work when I tell myself after every break that OH I just GOT Here. Tricking my mind that I just arrived to work so I put in the same energy as I did when i just got there, and also so I don't think about the time ...all the time.

    You're an inspiration! Keep it up!
    I believe in you!

  3. Use as much vinegar as you want. No bad side effects there and will increase your circulation.

    Just think about how you feel after a workout. Don't focus on the pain and sweat during it, but remember that feeling when you finish and you're tired but happy. Keep that in the front of your mind when considering whether to skip a session or not.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Kristen, I read this earlier today and I've been thinking about you all day. If it's any consolation, I'm looking at you guys in the other group with total admiration for having made it this far. Look how much you've accomplished! You haven't done everything you wanted to do, but you've sure done a lot. You can start again, right now. Beginner's mind. Hang in there!

  6. to keep myself motivated, i just listen to repetivie music during the jumping ( minimal techno, and the likes) makes me forget about time, and just jump instead.

    pOdcasts that are good distractions:
    Stuff you missed in history class
    60 minutes

    Dont give up :) you are halfways now.

  7. Hang in! There's been at least a dozen evenings when I've been so tired or mentally exhausted from work that I've wanted to skip a workout or, like our week-1 diets, cut it in half. But it feels so much better once you've pushed through.

    For me,mornings are best--though, as mentioned above, I, too, need to work on sticking with them. Even if all you have time to do is swing the rope. I've found that taking care of jumping early in the morning makes it that much easier to jump right into sets later in the day.

  8. I an in Australia and I am sending you encourament to be mindful in the day and workout every day - every day - it has to be a priority. when I work out it makes it easier for me to eat well and follow the plan - be willing

    you can do it

    Go team Go

  9. You are more important than all your excuses.
    The rest of the team is rooting for you.
    Put it in perspective, you're feeling bad about sunflower seeds!
    Go Running Rat!
    We can do it!

  10. Total transparency on the blog, not with other, but with yourself. You have truly mastered the PCP. Be PROUD.
    We all "cheat" (your sunflower seeds = my raisins); what is important that you know and understand what YOU are doing.
    It is YOUR PCP, YOUR workout, YOUR food. YOU get what YOU put into it. So you can always, ALWAYS change and improve.
    You can't tear yourself apart about what you did or did not do yesterday. You can only act here and now: throw the sunflower seeds across the room...or finish the bag and never buy them again...or put one teaspoon in a baggie, measure out 30 baggies, give yourself a fix 3 a day, then 2 a day, then 1 a day...
    Whatever you decide to do, YOU decide to DO it. PCP is about being aware and being in control.
    Be PROUD and HAPPY and be unsatisfied; you are motivated to work hard to change. And you have made AWESOME progress. Keep at it and don't EVER be satisfied!
