Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello again

It's been a while since I've posted. I've been trying to catch up to the new diet--lots of groceries to buy, lots of dishes to clean. At least a lot more than I'm used to. Before this I was a one dish, microwave meal sort of girl when left on my own. Which is a little sad considering how much I'm loving the new diet. I mean, fruit breaks? Why would anyone ever need to put honey on that stuff? (Just kidding. I know a lot of people like their fruit sweeter than I do.)

Still feeling funky in the mornings, so I talked to Patrick and we decided I would go sans-eggs next week to see if they're really the culprit. If so, then it's a quick (though rather annoying) fix. If not, I'll have to keep really close tabs on everything I'm eating and see if I can ID something else that might be giving me problems.

I've also noticed that how much I can eat varies drastically depending on what I'm eating and how it's cooked. 160g of raw veggies (mostly spinach with some cucumbers and carrots thrown in)? Next to impossible. That same meal with cooked spinach? Easy. Same with Bread vs. Pasta. Bread is just so light that I need a lot more of it to make the gram count. So I've been looking for heavier foods--i.e. ones with a lot of water in them. It's definitely made eating all that food easier and more manageable. And tastier. I've discovered a love for raw carrots that I don't remember having before. And a love for cooked spinach I had completely forgotten about since I was 4.

In workout news, I find that the pushup bars make pushups a lot harder. Possibly because they improve my form, possibly because I've been doing them sort of wrong up till now? I don't know. Everything else has been going well. I love the standing ovations. Odd number days are my favorite so far. :)

There was one day last week where I straight up skipped the lunges though. I did one set with my right leg, and when I went to switch I couldn't do one without my left knee hurting a lot. So I skipped them. It seems to have been a good move, since the lunges yesterday were easy and pain-free (excepting the burning in my muscles. But that isn't pain, so my statement still stands. :) ) Easy is also a relative term there. I did the max in each set, but I was shaking by the end. All in all it was a great workout.

I feel bad about skipping an exercise entirely, but this whole thing is about health and wellness. It's pointless if I don't take the time to listen to my body when it's telling me no and end up hurting myself. So even though I feel like I cheated, which I suppose I did, I know it was the right move for that day.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. Skipping an exercise and saving yourself an injury is a good move. At the end of the day, skipping that day of lunges will mean you end up doing more lunges total because you're not out with a bum knee for two weeks,
