Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some PCP observations, some non-PCP observations

I hate working out at night. Absolutely despise it. I also hate getting up at 5:30 just so I can get my workout in before I have to go to work. *sigh* I think that's probably the better option though. If I try to put it off until after work I end up wasting the entire evening putting it off, and then finally get to it right before bed, which ends up being far too late for my tastes.

In non-PCP news, I just mailed my wedding invitations. It's really exciting, but it's left me with a very strange feeling. Because despite all the money we've sunk into this thing already, there was always the option of backing out without a lot of explanation or embarassment. Now we're past the cliched point of no return. I'm not having any sort of regrets; I don't want you to think that. It's more......a realization that the simple act of placing those envelopes in the mailbox was effectively a life changing event. It seems like such a strange thing.

But now I'm going to go workout, and then off to bed. 7 is far too early to need to be at work.


  1. Tomorrow will be a big day too! That's when things really get started!

  2. Aw, congrats on getting married!! You are going to be in the best shape ever for your wedding day :)

  3. 2 points of no return: wedding invitations and PCP Proper. Congrats!
