Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wanted: Time Management

First the good. Last night I showed up for myself. Now, this isn't a momentous occasion in and of itself. I've been showing up every day for the last two weeks (which IS an accomplishment). What makes last night special is that I didn't want to. At all. I didn't want to work out. It was late, I was tired. Very tired. I was halfway through putting pajamas on when I changed my mind and grabbed a sports bra out of the dryer and did the work out. I have no idea what made me do that. I'm impressed with myself, even though I'm missing the sleep I would have gotten if I'd skipped.

Which brings me to my next point. I'm tired. Really tired. And getting frustrated fast. And not just a little frustrated, but I'm-tired-of-this-and-want-to-stop frustrated. I have no plans to stop since I am actually feeling the results of the workouts, and seeing a result on the scale in the morning. Even so, I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I'm managing to keep up with the cooking, just barely, but between that and the dishes this much cooking creates, and the workouts on top of that.... I'm running out of time every night, and having to go to bed later, which means I can't wake up early enough to workout or do anything productive in the mornings.

Add to all that the fact that I'm trying to get to know people in a brand new city, plan a wedding, and train for my new job... I can't say I'm surprised I'm worn out, or that I wasn't expecting it. I just don't know how to get a handle on everything to get to the point where I can get back to having a side dish of life next to the PCP. Obvious solutions: wake up earlier, prep several meals in advance, clean up everything immediately, workout in the mornings. So much easier said than done when I've gotten behind.

Sorry for the whining. Thanks for listening.


  1. Hang in there! I found that when time threatened to smush me flat, that the easiest way for me to manage to hang on was to give up on having something interesting to eat: buy and chop up a few heads of broccoli, hard boil a mess of eggs, buy a bag of wraps and cans of tuna and then reach for what I needed. Sometimes I split my workout: jumping rope in the am, doing the rest later.

    Good luck!

  2. And blogging about it all, to boot! Time management really is the most difficult and frustrating aspect of the whole project. Sometimes it will get you down, and that's okay. Order sushi one night if you have to, just to give yourself free time to get ahead on prep for other days (at least one meal you don't have to cook!) Take a weekend afternoon to cook a bunch of stuff and freeze it, or make triple what you need every time you cook dinner (my fave approach). Bang through your workouts w/o taking much time to rest in b/w exercises.

    And really, if you get frustrated and tired, walk away from the kitchen or the pull-up bar, and sit down for a few minutes with a cup of tea. Relish your freedom to relax and then get back to it. You're doing an awesome job. Three months seems like forever now, but it will be over before you know it. You'll be so proud of yourself, and so will all of us (we already are)!

  3. P.S. As for the meeting new people bit, if you're anywhere near Madison, we have a sister capoeira studio—a great community of people.

  4. Yay for doing the workout anyway! I was feeling the same way as you on Sunday, tired, not in any mood to workout, so I took a break. Then I did the workout at 9pm and felt really glad that I did.
    You won't be perfect at everything you are trying to do, especially with wedding, new city, new fitness regime goals (these are big life changes, girl!), so be patient with yourself.
    I'm trying to remember that too.
    Hang in Running Rat/Army Ant!

  5. As for running out of time and the piles of dishes--me too. It was fun for a bit but the amount of work has definitely outpaced my creativity in cooking. I definitely see a lot more canned salmon and frozen peas in our future.

    You're losing weight on these portions!?

  6. Yep. The weight loss is more gradual than it was the first week (4 lbs in week 1!) but it's definitely still going down. I started the project at 162-163, and weighed in this morning at 158.

    @Emily-- I actually live in Madison, so I'll have to check that out. Though maybe after PCP. Or after I get a better handle on this particular aspect of my life. :)

    Thanks everyone for the kind words! I still don't have it all together, but you guys have made this crappy-feeling day a lot better.
