Saturday, April 17, 2010

The mind tricks have begun (but I'm winning)

The hunger was definitely easier to deal with today. Although I'll have to admit that having been at home all day has made determining "half" more difficult. I'm looking forward to having a more specific diet plan, egg whites and all.

I've got a feeling that soreness is going to be a constant companion for the next 87 days. I'd prepared myself for a lot of things involved in this challenge--difficult workouts, brand new (and fairly specific) diet, no sugar, no salt, lots of jumproping. But despite that, I somehow managed to not think I was going to be this sore this fast. I mean, it's not THAT bad. pain, rather than Pain, or even PAIN. But still. Maybe I ought to just start thinking of it as my new friend that I get to hang out with for 90 days.

The pushups this morning are still my nemesis. I just barely managed 8 in the first set, and then struggled to do even the minimum in the last two sets. Had to take a couple extra breaks to get them all done. And had a lovely conversation with myself before I even started where I lied and told myself that I could stop if I did 8 in the first set. I felt sort of crazy doing it, but it worked, so I'm not going to argue. Also could really feel the situps after those leg ups yesterday. Love them, and the squats too. Lunges are harder since I tend to lose my balance on those. Pretty sure that'll get easier in time though.

Oh mind tricks, how I love thee.


  1. Soreness will not be your constant companion, but it'll drop in every week or so.

  2. I was using your mind tricks during the leg-ups. It worked!
    I think you're right that having a specific diet will be a bit easier than trying to figure out what half portions of snacks are. I am a big weekend snacker, I've only just figured this out, so the food drama looms much larger right now. Can't wait for the work week so I'm far from the kitchen!

  3. Sore muscles isn't PAIN. Pain is the body telling you something is seriously wrong, like "LET GO OF HOT FRYING PAN!" or "YOU JUST DROPPED KNIFE INTO FOOT!"

    Sore muscles is your brain going "I'd rather watch TV and eat chocolate cake, stop with all this EFFORT."
    Show your brain who is boss! Do that extra set!
