Friday, May 28, 2010

An interesting morning

I work at a heatlhcare software company, and they have a cretain interest in keeping their employees healthy. It's a non-smoking campus, for example. Well, the past few weeks they've offered free health risk assessments done by the insurance companies we can have, and this morning I had mine.

I did great. BP 101/70, weight 151 lb with clothes. A solidly normal fasting blood sugar (88 mg/dl; normal is anywhere from 70-100).

And then there's my cholesterol. I wish I knew what it had been before this project. This morning it was low. Very. Total was 145 (normal according to them is below 200). Bad cholesterol... they couldn't even get a reading on it. They actually want me to come in and get blood drawn in a few weeks to get a better reading in general. Triglycerides are supposed to be below 150, and mine were 45, maybe less. Good cholesterol was low too, but she said that goes up with exercise, and before I did this project I didn't exercise. Ever. So I imagine that'll normalize soon enough. We'll see. When I get more numbers I'll let you know.

Oh and my body fat. I REALLY wish I'd known what it was before starting. It's just under 26% now, and their "fitness" level is 22-24% with "acceptable" being anything from 25-32%. I'm impressed with myself, but just being acceptable is not good enough. I can get to "fit." It's really not that far away. I can't wait to see what the second half of this project holds for us.

Go Team Running Rats!!!


  1. Wow, that's really cool. Congratulations! You ARE looking seriously fit in your photos, btw.

  2. Yep, it's not called the Acceptably Fit Project!
