Friday, May 7, 2010

Quick diet update

The eggs are back in the diet this week.

The first "real" week, I didn't get sick every morning, but probably 3-4 out of the 7. I did however feel very tired and sluggish after breakfast most days. Last week was egg free, and I didn't feel sick at all, and was starting to feel some real energy--until I stopped being able to get enough sleep, which derailed the whole energy bit. Eggs are back now, and though I'll admit I skipped the egg yesterday in favor of the 30g of protein I'd been doing last week (really horrible morning, overslept by an hour and didn't have time to cook, just measure and leave) I made myself an egg this morning. Right on schedule, about half an hour after breakfast I'm feeling super queasy. I'm willing to chalk up the overwhelming tiredness to my body being run down by the week and lack of proper sleep, but I can't see another explanation for the nausea. Everything else I ate this morning and last night I've been eating for a couple weeks now without incident.

In other news, barely two days after Patrick's e-mail about people getting sick on the PCP I'm feeling off. Lots of sneezing and blowing of the nose. I do believe I've caught a little cold. Nothing serious, but definitely annoying, AND it just makes me want to crawl into bed that little bit more.

I'm so glad it's Friday.


  1. Hope you feel better soon and get some relaxation time this weekend!

  2. Hey - don't crawl back into bed. I would verify with Patrick - but sounds like you are onto something troubleshooting wise. There is a great way to do this without getting sick - YOU CAN FIND IT!

    You can do it!

  3. That's why we did the experiment. Do a few more egg days and we'll make the final decision!

  4. I actually started to feel ill this week too, all sniffly and cold-symptom like, but it seemed to go away.
