Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mad skillz

This week is kicking my ass. Not the PCP week, the real world week. Is it Friday yet?

So a little background: I play pencil and paper rpgs. Dungeons and Dragons, Gurps, White Wolf, etc. A new group started up last night, so I was out most of the evening. For anyone that doesn't know, these groups are frequently centered around some sort of take out food, typically pizza. At least in my experience. Last night was no exception.

I'd had time to eat dinner beforehand, but I was still hungry, and wasn't expecting to be there too late so I didn't bring my evening snack with me (mistake I won't repeat). They ordered a pizza. And sat it on the table right in front of me. It smelled incredible. It looked incredible. I really really really wanted a piece. But I resisted. Even when everyone else was done and there were two pieces left, I resisted.

I still want that pizza. It's the strongest craving I've had so far in the PCP. A week ago I had a craving for french fries too after smelling them at the bowling alley. And I still want those too.

I like the food we're eating, but I still sometimes miss my junk food.


  1. Our office has a constant chocolate, homemade baked goods and candy rotation. I was about to go for a chocolate cookie like old times, when I remembered, "I don't eat that now!" The mind is strong, but old habits (and memories of delicious foodie scents) die hard.

  2. I play them too! Well, not recently as I don't have a group to play with -- but I totally know what you're talking about. The group I currently hang out with gets together every Friday night for Bad Movie Night. (We purposely find bad movies and mercilessly mock them.)

    Of course, Bad Movie Night also means Bad Food Night. I'm about the only person who brings anything remotely healthy -- and I usually leave with a good portion of it still remaining. The junk food gets devoured.

    You can do pizza on the PCP -- it's just not what you're familiar with. Use a whole wheat wrap for the crust, make your own tomato sauce (I have a recipe on my blog:, and top with veggies and your allotment of cheese. Bake until the cheese has melted. Voila! PCP Pizza!

  3. Nice work sticking to your guns! I think if your friends know what you are doing, they'll generally be understanding and supportive. So far this week, I've turned down doughnuts (twice) and Mexican potluck food at the office (at least three offers). Each time I just explain that I'm trying to eat healthy to get in the best shape of my life, and that's all I've needed to say.

  4. Yeah, there wasn't actually any peer pressure to have the pizza. I just said I wasn't that hungry and was on a diet anyway, and that was the end of it from the other people. It was the pizza itself that was pressuring me to eat it. lol :)

    @E, I may have to look into that sauce recipe. I made some, but I wasn't thrilled with it. Althouogh I'm not sure it would have helped; what I'm really craving is the salty pepperoni.

  5. This is completely normal and a remedy is on the way!

  6. Nice exercise of black belt skillz! PCP stands for:
    Pizza? Crap! Pass.
