Monday, May 24, 2010

Long time, no posts....

So I sort of disappeared for a while. And I sort of fell off the wagon. Not entirely, more like slipping and being dragged behind while trying to climb back on. The image works better with a horse and a saddle.

I skipped workouts. Including the jumping. I've been eating out, though I have tried to keep it PCP compliant--lots of salads. But apparently all restaurants dump salt on their grilled chicken, which is gross. But I need the protein, so I eat it anyway and then marvel at how bloated my feet are the next day. (Seriously. I was trying to buy shoes and things didn't fit the way they should.)

I even went so far as to eat a couple french fries. And marvel of marvels, I didn't like it that much. I looked at the pile of them that came with my half sandwich and salad, and I knew that I could eat every single one. And I just didn't want to. I had more than the one I said I'd try, just "to see" how it tasted after all this time. And after 3 or 4 they started tasting "normal" again. But they definitely don't have the power over me that they used to.

I'm also slowly climbing back onto the wagon, though I'm now a few days behind. I couldn't stand the thought of just straight up missing those workouts (did that last week, and I regret it), so I started with day 37 or 38 or whatever the start of the week is, and I'm just doing them late. Pistol squats hurt. I suck at everything involving the chest, except standing ovations. I can't do real pullups. But I'm trying, and if I keep a death grip on the wagon/saddle and don't fall off again, I think I'll be ok in the end. (Really, I think I'll be ok no matter what, since my tastes have clearly changed and I'm lighter than I've been since high school, but I'm not done improving yet.)


  1. I'm glad you're back!
    I have the same complaints about salty chicken on salads in restaurants, inability to do pistol squats correctly (it is more like an arm workout for me right now) or real pull-ups.
    Just keep keepin' on. That's the motto.

  2. Nobody has a perfect PCP, just get it right tomorrow. And sucking at exercises only means that they'll be a maximum benefit to you. Someone cruising through them without breaking a sweat would only be wasting their time!

  3. Your PCP is already a success given everything you have learned so far! Just keep going, one day at a time. Push yourself; you CAN do more than you think! Onwards and upwards!
