Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just thoughts on food

I am so sick of bananas.

...Yeah, that's pretty much it. New pictures should be going up tonight (finally!).


  1. Might I humbly recommend banana cinnamush?
    Take a banana, chunk it into pieces and put in a bowl. Dump in some cinnamon. Mush it up with a fork until it's chunky / creamy.
    Tastes great with other fruit, or spread on bread (bagel! tortilla!) or just eat it with a spoon.
    It's also a great way to make good use of that last, old, brown and over-ripe banana.
    Enjoy it -- bananas are good PCP food!

  2. I shall have to try the banana cinnamush. It sounds like a nice variation from the standard "peel banana, eat" routine I've been going with at dinner lately.

  3. If you have a decent blender, you can put the milk ration, the banana ration, and the (raw) egg white ration in, then add some cinnamon (or nutmeg is also nice, especially freshly grated), blend with ice or pour over ice or just forgo the ice... Then your banana is disguised as a nice frothy shake. You could also add coffee for flavor or, if it's PCP, perhaps some unsweetened chocolate powder. If you're running late and need to combine dinner and post-dinner snack, use an avocado as your "vegetable" and blend everything -- bananas, egg whites, milk, yogurt, avocado (perhaps a touch of good honey or maple syrup to give it a tiny kick) and you are good to go.
    the michalsky household chef

  4. I learned this myself a few weeks ago, and since then every breakfast and dinner has been a smoothie. My banana has been in with the milk and egg for a long time. Funny thing is, on about day 2 of doing this I also learned the cinnamon trick.
